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New Horizons with Suspirium Ensemble

  • Bluebirds in the Backyard 230 Voorstraat Dordrecht, ZH, 3311 ET Netherlands (kaart)

In its music, Ensemble Suspirium explores the perspective of 17th and 18th century man on nature. Nature often functions as a refuge, but how? For whom? And why do we feel the urge to flee into nature, that last bit of inhospitable territory? What can we learn from this? We follow various first-person characters and their relationship with nature – wandering, searching, enlightening, complaining, carrying, questioning…

What does nature mean? That depends on who asks, who feels, who looks and who listens. Nature’s in the eye of the beholder.

This concert was made possible in part by the NORMA fund.


22 april

TOUR with S T A R G A Z E x »Alva Noto: Xerrox Selected

21 mei

Suspirium Ensemble @Maranathakerk Den Haag