Video Shostakovich - Symphony nr. 15 Livepiano trio and percussion trioTEMKO performs Aart Strootman'sDarkness rises with PhilZuidSuspirium ensembleperforms FrescobaldiTies Mellema & Ramon LormansHarrisson Birtwistle - Panic with PhilZuidBosch Requiem - Memorial Parkby Anthony Fiumara with TEMKO, Holland Baroque & Netherlands Chamber ChoirMallet Collective Duo performs J.S. Bach - Fantasie in c-mollTEMKO performsCamel Brain - Nik BärtschMallet Collective SextetResidence @ Odapark VenraySoap & Skin live in GrazRamon on drums & vibesSax & Stix live @Vrije geluidenNed McGowan - Urban TurbanTEMKO plays (with) Terry Riley'sShri Camel (in just intonation)Mallet Collective performsMichael Gordon's TimberHier om de HoekRamon on drums & marimbaDavid Bowie - Blackstar tribute tourS T A R G A Z E ensemblewith Anna Calvi, Anja Plaschg & Laeticia SadierBachfestival Dordrecht interview 2023Suspirium ensembleperforms SancesS T A R G A Z E with Lisa Hannigan@ People festival 2018